Snapshot releases
In addition to official JanusGraph releases, JanusGraph publishes releases for each commit. The commit releases allow users to use latest JanusGraph features without relying on official JanusGraph releases.
- Official JanusGraph releases are better tested and usually come with finalized changes which signals that the used features are most likely to be stable for long term.
- Commit releases are not manually verified but instead verified by main CI tests as well as scheduled full CI tests (once per week). New features in commit releases are not guaranteed to be compatible between commits. Thus, you may expect more breaking changes between commit releases and official releases.
Maven repository artifacts
Both official and commit release are deployed to Sonatype OSS and are available in Sonatype Maven Central Repository
under the same group id org.janusgraph
, but with different artifact id format.
Official JanusGraph releases have the next format for artifact id: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
Dependencies example:
compile "org.janusgraph:janusgraph-core:1.0.0"
Artifact id for commit releases have the next format: FOLLOWING_VERSION-DATE-TIME.COMMIT
is the upcoming official version to be used after release is finalized (i.e.0.6.3
if the current latest release is0.6.2
- date of the commit release inyyyyMMdd
- time of the commit release inHHmmss
- short commit hash of the commit used in the release.
Dependencies example:
compile "org.janusgraph:janusgraph-core:0.6.3-20230104-164606.a49366e"
JanusGraph distribution builds
In addition to distribution builds provided for each official JanusGraph release, snapshot distribution builds are provided for all commits.
GitHub allows to download distribution builds only for authenticated GitHub users.
To access the distribution build bundle for any commit, please open the commit you are interested in and select its
CI Release
details. For example:
When CI Release
page is opened for a specific commit, open summary and download the attached to Artifacts
file named distribution-builds
. This will download
archive containing all distribution builds.
Old snapshot distribution builds are expiring in GitHub due to timing and memory limits. It's not guaranteed that the snapshot distribution build downloaded yesterday is available today. We encourage to use either official release distribution builds or newer snapshot distribution builds.
If you see expired distribution builds or don't see any distribution builds for a specific commit, it means that it isn't
available to be downloaded anymore. Thus, the distribution builds from newer commits should be used.