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Graph Index and Vertex-centric Indexes describe how to build graph-global and vertex-centric indexes to improve query performance. These indexes are immediately available if the indexed keys or labels have been newly defined in the same management transaction. In this case, there is no need to reindex the graph and this section can be skipped. If the indexed keys and labels already existed prior to index construction it is necessary to reindex the entire graph in order to ensure that the index contains previously added elements. This section describes the reindexing process.


Reindexing is a manual process comprised of multiple steps. These steps must be carefully followed in the right order to avoid index inconsistencies.


JanusGraph can begin writing incremental index updates right after an index is defined. However, before the index is complete and usable, JanusGraph must also take a one-time read pass over all existing graph elements associated with the newly indexed schema type(s). Once this reindexing job has completed, the index is fully populated and ready to be used. The index must then be enabled to be used during query processing.

Prior to Reindex

The starting point of the reindexing process is the construction of an index. Refer to Indexing for Better Performance for a complete discussion of global graph and vertex-centric indexes. Note, that a global graph index is uniquely identified by its name. A vertex-centric index is uniquely identified by the combination of its name and the edge label or property key on which the index is defined - the name of the latter is referred to as the index type in this section and only applies to vertex-centric indexes.

After building a new index against existing schema elements it is recommended to wait a few minutes for the index to be announced to the cluster. Note the index name (and the index type in case of a vertex-centric index) since this information is needed when reindexing.

Preparing to Reindex

There is a choice between two execution frameworks for reindex jobs:

  • MapReduce
  • JanusGraphManagement

Reindex on MapReduce supports large, horizontally-distributed databases. Reindex on JanusGraphManagement spawns a single-machine OLAP job. This is intended for convenience and speed on those databases small enough to be handled by one machine.

Reindexing requires:

  • The index name (a string — the user provides this to JanusGraph when building a new index)
  • The index type (a string — the name of the edge label or property key on which the vertex-centric index is built). This applies only to vertex-centric indexes - leave blank for global graph indexes.

Executing a Reindex Job on MapReduce

The recommended way to generate and run a reindex job on MapReduce is through the MapReduceIndexManagement class. Here is a rough outline of the steps to run a reindex job using this class:

  • Open a JanusGraph instance
  • Pass the graph instance into MapReduceIndexManagement's constructor
  • Call updateIndex(<index>, SchemaAction.REINDEX) on the MapReduceIndexManagement instance
  • If the index has not yet been enabled, enable it through JanusGraphManagement

This class implements an updateIndex method that supports only the REINDEX and REMOVE_INDEX actions for its SchemaAction parameter. The class starts a Hadoop MapReduce job using the Hadoop configuration and jars on the classpath. Both Hadoop 1 and 2 are supported. This class gets metadata about the index and storage backend (e.g. the Cassandra partitioner) from the JanusGraph instance given to its constructor.

graph =
mgmt = graph.openManagement()
mr = new MapReduceIndexManagement(graph)
mr.updateIndex(mgmt.getRelationIndex(mgmt.getRelationType("battled"), "battlesByTime"), SchemaAction.REINDEX).get()

Reindex Example on MapReduce

The following Gremlin snippet outlines all steps of the MapReduce reindex process in one self-contained example using minimal dummy data against the Cassandra storage backend.

// Open a graph
graph ="conf/")
g = graph.traversal()

// Define a property
mgmt = graph.openManagement()
desc = mgmt.makePropertyKey("desc").dataType(String.class).make()

// Insert some data
graph.addVertex("desc", "foo bar")
graph.addVertex("desc", "foo baz")

// Run a query -- note the planner warning recommending the use of an index
g.V().has("desc", containsText("baz"))

// Create an index
mgmt = graph.openManagement()

desc = mgmt.getPropertyKey("desc")
mixedIndex = mgmt.buildIndex("mixedExample", Vertex.class).addKey(desc).buildMixedIndex("search")

// Rollback or commit transactions on the graph which predate the index definition

// Block until the SchemaStatus transitions from INSTALLED to REGISTERED
report = ManagementSystem.awaitGraphIndexStatus(graph, "mixedExample").call()

// Run a JanusGraph-Hadoop job to reindex
mgmt = graph.openManagement()
mr = new MapReduceIndexManagement(graph)
mr.updateIndex(mgmt.getGraphIndex("mixedExample"), SchemaAction.REINDEX).get()

// Enable the index
mgmt = graph.openManagement()
mgmt.updateIndex(mgmt.getGraphIndex("mixedExample"), SchemaAction.ENABLE_INDEX).get()

// Block until the SchemaStatus is ENABLED
mgmt = graph.openManagement()
report = ManagementSystem.awaitGraphIndexStatus(graph, "mixedExample").status(SchemaStatus.ENABLED).call()

// Run a query -- JanusGraph will use the new index, no planner warning
g.V().has("desc", containsText("baz"))

// Concerned that JanusGraph could have read cache in that last query, instead of relying on the index?
// Start a new instance to rule out cache hits.  Now we're definitely using the index.
graph ="conf/")
g.V().has("desc", containsText("baz"))

Executing a Reindex job on JanusGraphManagement

To run a reindex job on JanusGraphManagement, invoke JanusGraphManagement.updateIndex with the SchemaAction.REINDEX argument. For example:

m = graph.openManagement()
i = m.getGraphIndex('indexName')
m.updateIndex(i, SchemaAction.REINDEX).get()

Example for JanusGraphManagement

The following loads some sample data into a BerkeleyDB-backed JanusGraph database, defines an index after the fact, reindexes using JanusGraphManagement, and finally enables and uses the index:


// Load some data from a file without any predefined schema
graph ='conf/')
g = graph.traversal()
m = graph.openManagement()

// Run a query -- note the planner warning recommending the use of an index
g.V().has('name', 'lop')

// Create an index
m = graph.openManagement()
m.buildIndex('names', Vertex.class).addKey(m.getPropertyKey('name')).buildCompositeIndex()

// Block until the SchemaStatus transitions from INSTALLED to REGISTERED
ManagementSystem.awaitGraphIndexStatus(graph, 'names').status(SchemaStatus.REGISTERED).call()

// Reindex using JanusGraphManagement
m = graph.openManagement()
i = m.getGraphIndex('names')
m.updateIndex(i, SchemaAction.REINDEX)

// Enable the index
ManagementSystem.awaitGraphIndexStatus(graph, 'names').status(SchemaStatus.ENABLED).call()

// Run a query -- JanusGraph will use the new index, no planner warning
g.V().has('name', 'lop')

// Concerned that JanusGraph could have read cache in that last query, instead of relying on the index?
// Start a new instance to rule out cache hits.  Now we're definitely using the index.
graph ="conf/")
g = graph.traversal()
g.V().has('name', 'lop')

Common problems

IllegalArgumentException when starting job

When a reindexing job is started shortly after a the index has been built, the job might fail with an exception like one of the following:

The index mixedExample is in an invalid state and cannot be indexed.
The following index keys have invalid status: desc has status INSTALLED
(status must be one of [REGISTERED, ENABLED])

The index mixedExample is in an invalid state and cannot be indexed.
The index has status INSTALLED, but one of [REGISTERED, ENABLED] is required

When an index is built, its existence is broadcast to all other JanusGraph instances in the cluster. Those must acknowledge the existence of the index before the reindexing process can be started. The acknowledgments can take a while to come in depending on the size of the cluster and the connection speed. Hence, one should wait a few minutes after building the index and before starting the reindex process.

Note, that the acknowledgment might fail due to JanusGraph instance failure. In other words, the cluster might wait indefinitely on the acknowledgment of a failed instance. In this case, the user must manually remove the failed instance from the cluster registry as described in Failure & Recovery. After the cluster state has been restored, the acknowledgment process must be reinitiated by manually registering the index again in the management system.

mgmt = graph.openManagement()
rindex = mgmt.getRelationIndex(mgmt.getRelationType("battled"),"battlesByTime")
mgmt.updateIndex(rindex, SchemaAction.REGISTER_INDEX).get()
gindex = mgmt.getGraphIndex("byName")
mgmt.updateIndex(gindex, SchemaAction.REGISTER_INDEX).get()

After waiting a few minutes for the acknowledgment to arrive the reindex job should start successfully.

Could not find index

This exception in the reindexing job indicates that an index with the given name does not exist or that the name has not been specified correctly. When reindexing a global graph index, only the name of the index as defined when building the index should be specified. When reindexing a global graph index, the name of the index must be given in addition to the name of the edge label or property key on which the vertex-centric index is defined.